News, Opinions, and Everything Baseball

Neighborhood Play: Baseball Terminology

A neighborhood play does not have the power it once used to.  Instant replay has almost eliminated the possibility of a neighborhood play, as baseball has become an honest game of inches. What is a neighborhood play? During a double play, the fielder covering second base is allowed to be in the vicinity of the […]

What if Courtesy Runners Were Allowed in MLB?

Courtesy runners are used at many levels in baseball, from travel and high school ball to adult and senior leagues. The places where courtesy runners are not allowed are the collegiate and professional levels. Major League Baseball is the one place where courtesy runners would seem to make sense to help prolong the careers of […]

Pickle: Baseball Base Running Terminology

If you have ever been in trouble, you may have referred to yourself as being in a jam or being in a pickle.  In baseball terms, a pickle is a particular situation where a runner is in trouble by being caught in between two bases as he runs back and forth. A pickle usually occurs […]